Sponsorship & Endorsement by MTSA

Policy Number: 
1/24/12, 3/13/19


A sponsorship is a mutually beneficial exchange whereby the sponsor receives value in return for cash or goods or services-in-kind provided to the School.

General Principles Governing Sponsorship

  • The relationship requires a formal written agreement or confirmation setting out the terms of the sponsorship, including any recognition to be provided to the sponsor
  • The agreement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the sponsor and by MTSA’s President or Vice President for Advancement & Alumni.
  • Sponsorships must comply with MTSA’s policy on conflict of interest.
  • The School reserves the right to refuse or decline any offer of sponsorship or to negotiate with the sponsor concerning any aspect of a proposed sponsorship.
  • Sponsorships do not imply endorsement of products or services by the School and shall not imply any exclusive arrangement with MTSA.
  • MTSA’s President, in coordination with the Vice President for Advancement & Alumni, is responsible for determining whether a sponsorship will be solicited and/or accepted.
  • Approval of any sponsorship shall be based on an assessment of its perceived effect on the interests of the School, its administration, and Board of Trustees.
  • MTSA’s President or Vice President for Advancement & Alumni may refuse any sponsorship deemed at variance with the School’s Seventh-day Adventist Christian values, mission, goals, policies, and best interests.
  • No preferential treatment for a sponsor will result from the sponsorship
  • Generally, sponsorships should be solicited after publicly seeking expressions of interest to ensure there is no disadvantage to any individual or business. Special purpose sponsorships are available to targeted individuals, groups, and corporations under the guidelines specified herein.
  • Individual staff should not receive any substantial benefit from association with sponsors nor receive any commissions, major gifts, or other financial benefits.
  • MTSA shall retain control over all of its sponsored programs. Sponsors may be consulted but shall not have final authority to dictate to MTSA on any aspect of the operations relating to a sponsored project.

Who Can Be a Sponsor?

  • Sponsorship arrangements shall be sought out from individuals, groups, and corporations of highest integrity in the community and in keeping with the ethical considerations of the school, its religious heritage, and its mission
  • Sponsorship should be avoided with any industry or organization that has a real or perceived conflict of interest and does not support the way MTSA conducts its programs and services.

General Guidelines on Sponsorship Advertising

In order to ensure editorial integrity, MTSA has established the following principles to guide the acceptance and display of sponsorship advertising in association with its content:

  • All sponsored programs and/or activities will be recognized as such.
  • All sponsorship or advertising shall comply with the laws and regulations of the United States, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
  • MTSA shall have sole discretion for the display of sponsor advertising.
  • Acceptance of sponsorship advertising shall in no way indicate MTSA’s endorsement of the sponsor’s products and/or services.
  • MTSA shall review all sponsorship and advertising claims to therapeutic benefit and shall reject any unsubstantiated claims. Similarly, MTSA will not knowingly advertise any forms of products or services that are harmful to the health and wellbeing of participants.
  • Sponsors shall not dictate the form or substance of any content appearing on a sponsored program for MTSA.
  • MTSA shall be directly responsible for communicating and ensuring compliance of its sponsorship advertising policy to all of its participants.