Advancement Activities

Policy Number: 
2000, 1/15/19, 5/2020
2002, 2007, 1/24/12

The Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA) President maintains ultimate accountability for all fund-raising programs. All grant requests and fund-raising will be coordinated by the Vice President for Advancement and Alumni, and subject to the President’s Council and the Board of Trustees. All fund-raising will meet the following criteria:

  • MTSA will adhere to a strict code of integrity and honesty regarding all contributed funds. All contributed funds will be used for the intended purpose for which they were given.
  • No monies will be raised from organizations or individuals that are involved in discriminatory practices, abuse of employees or citizens, involved in illegal activities, or questionable practices or behavior.
  • When directed, funds raised will be used only as stipulated by the donor; all undesignated funds will be utilized at the discretion of the Advancement Committee and/or the Board of Trustees to fulfill the non-profit objectives and mission of MTSA.
  • Appropriate recognition and appreciation will be extended to the donor.
  • All MTSA policies governing the processing of funds will be adhered to with donated monies.
  • Other than usual and customary salary, no additional personal financial gain will be awarded the individual requesting or receiving contributions on behalf of MTSA.