Academic Integrity Policy

Policy Number: 

Any student cheating on any test, exam, quiz, or assignment; who has falsified clinical documents, such as clinical evaluations or any other documentation; falsified signatures; or who has plagiarized any assignment, will be placed on immediate probation, with the recommendation for termination from the program. The case will be heard by the Progressions Committee and the Committee will make a determination of the recommendation for termination.

Possession or Sharing of Faculty Property or MTSA Property

ALL quiz/test/exam questions/items are the express property of the faculty member who authored them and MTSA, and these questions/items are confidential information.

Any attempt to obtain, retain, re-create, possess, copy/reproduce, distribute, disclosure, transmit, or share of any portion of any quiz/test/exam materials (including portions of compilations of quiz/test/exam questions/items) from any class, by any instructor (whether they teach at MTSA or on any other campus), from any time (whether current or past), by any means (by written, electronic, oral or other form of communication, including but not limited to emailing, copying or printing of electronic files, and reconstruction through memorization/dictation), at any time (before, during, or after any quiz/test/exam), is considered to be cheating and stealing.

Receipt or acceptance of any portion of ANY quiz/test/exam questions/items is considered to be cheating.

After a quiz/test/exam, if a student has a question regarding any quiz/test/exam question/item, he or she must direct such a query only to the designated faculty member(s) responsible for that course (i.e. not to a guest lecturer), as students are prohibited from reviewing any quiz or test materials with MTSA staff members without instructor approval.

Nothing (to include notes and study guides) compiled during one year’s class is to be shared in any manner with any other individual or group of individuals in any other year’s class.

Any student found to have any such material in his or her possession, or to have participated in any such prohibited activities here identified, will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.