Student Temporary Leave of Absence

Policy Number: 
7/11/17, 1/21/2020, 9/20/2022
7/11/17, 1/21/2020, 9/20/2022 BOT approved 11/2022

The study of nurse anesthesia is highly specialized, and the curriculum is formatted to follow a natural progression from basic principles to more advanced topics. Rarely, a student may experience a life circumstance that necessitates a temporary leave of absence from the program. The maximum duration of a Temporary Leave of Absence (TLOA) is twelve (12) weeks for students in the DNAP Practice Doctorate Program, one (1) year in the Fellowship Program, and one (1) year for students in the DNAP Completion Program. Exceptions to the 12-week program limits may be granted under extenuating circumstances. Students may request a TLOA from the nurse anesthesia program for the following reasons:

  1. Medical emergency
  2. Maternity
  3. Call to active military service

MTSA will maintain the confidentiality of all information regarding TLOA in accordance with federal, state, and local law, and to the greatest extent consistent with the goal of processing such leaves. All records concerning a TLOA are confidential and the official copy of such records shall be retained by the school. Access to these records is limited by appropriate federal, state, and local law.

Process for Student TLOA:

The Program Administrator must approve a student’s TLOA. Only students who are in good standing (no current clinical or academic probation) can be granted a TLOA. TLOA must be requested and approved before, or within the current quarter of the absence. Requests for retroactive TLOA will not be approved.

To request a TLOA, a student must:

  1. Notify the Program Administrator in writing (i.e. email) intent to request TLOA.
  2. Meet personally with the Program Administrator and the Assistant Program Administrator to discuss the reasons for the TLOA (unless medical circumstances prevent it).
  3. Submit the MTSA Request for Temporary Leave of Absence form. This form is located on the MTSA website, and must be submitted in writing, signed and dated by student, and include the reason for the student’s request. The form will need to be signed by the Program Administrator and the Director of Financial Aid (if student has Title IV loans and needs a financial aid TLOA). A copy of the completed, signed form will be given to the Registrar and the Coordinator of Clinical Support, and kept in the student’s permanent file.
  4. Following the meeting with the Program Administrator, the student will be notified in writing about the TLOA decision and any requirements for the student’s return to the nurse anesthesia program. The Program Administrator will determine requirements for re-entry into the nurse anesthesia program. Requirements for return may include: repeating some courses, extended clinical work, and/or extension of time in the nurse anesthesia program. These requirements will be in writing and signed by the Program Administrator and the student, and a copy will be kept in the student’s permanent file. Applicable tuition will be determined by the Office of Financial Aid.

Types of TLOA:

Medical/maternity TLOA: Requests must be accompanied by a statement from a medical doctor explaining why the student must interrupt enrollment. Students granted a medical or maternity TLOA, must have a licensed physician certify in writing that the student’s physical and/or mental health is sufficient to continue in the nurse anesthesia program. This documentation must state the student’s condition that necessitated the TLOA has been corrected and the student is able to complete all curriculum requirements with reasonable accommodation; including classroom, simulation, and clinical, before they will be allowed to return to MTSA.

Military Leave of Absence: For those being inducted, requests must be accompanied by a copy of military orders indicating the induction date. For students being called to active military service Title 5, Section 40401, provides for an extended leave of absence up to a maximum of two (2) years due to approved educational reasons and for circumstances beyond a student’s control. MTSA will approve a TLOA for students called for active military service as a result of mobilization of U.S. military reserves. Students will retain a student position.