Policy Number:
To ensure MTSA responds promptly, professionally, and accurately to our donor constituency as contributions are received.
- Mail is retrieved from the Post Office and distributed to appropriate individuals.
- Gift and contribution business reply envelopes should be placed in the “mail inbox” for VP of Advancement.
- The VP for Advancement will review the gifts and give to the Business Office.
- The business Office will copy the cash gifts, checks, carrier envelopes, and pledge card (if applicable), and gift documentation and forward to the Administrative Assistant for Advancement.
- The bank deposit will be made by the Business Office designee.
- The Advancement Office will enter gifts/pledges into the appropriate fund in the donor software (eTapestry) in “batches” which correspond to the daily bank deposits. A notebook with monthly dividers will be used to keep record of all gifts/checks/cash copies.
- The Business Office will post the deposits to the appropriate fund in MTSA financial records.
- The Administrative Assistant for Advancement will generate the receipt/acknowledgement/ thank you letters
General Notes:
- Gifts should be processed (entered and deposited) within a 24-48 hour period. Exceptions to this should only be during a holiday period.
- The only time it is appropriate to “hold” a gift/check for processing is due to a holiday schedule; if further research or information is needed or, if the gift is received at month end. The gift can be held so the donor records (date of gift posted by the Advancement Office) match the month of entry into the MTSA financial records (Business Office).
- Personal notes to the donor from faculty and staff – in addition to the “official thank-you letter – are encouraged.