The Executive Vice President, in conjunction with appropriate committees, will annually review the mission, vision, and values of the Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA) and the associated Program Outcome Criteria for graduates. She/he will compare MTSA Program Outcome Criteria with objectives for graduates of nurse anesthesia educational programs as published or revised in the Standards for Accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs.
Faculty members are directed to to review the most recent MTSA Catalog & Student Handbook, to include the Mission Statement and Program Outcome Criteria, annually. The members are asked to review it and are encouraged to offer an opinion to the Executive Vice President, Nurse Anesthesia Program Council, and/or President’s Council relative to any possible changes needed. Recommendations will be sent to the President’s Council for review.
The President’s Council reviews the proposed changes of the mission, vision, values and program outcome criteria in all published manuals, handbooks and catalogs, specifically the Mission Statement, and considers recommendations from the Academic and Clinical Faculty Committee members. The President’s Council determines if changes are indicated, based on its review and the input of these committees. Should change be necessary, the President’s Council drafts a proposed Mission Statement to the Board for final review, revision and approval.
At each level, the purpose of the evaluation of both the Mission Statement and the Program Outcome Criteria is to assure that both are in harmony with the direction of the School. It is expected that this Mission and the Program Outcome Criteria may have some alteration in course as either the community needs change, or changes in either the Standards for Accreditation by the Council on Accreditation (COA) of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs or the Principles for Accreditation by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools directs.