The Strategic Plan Document, a five-year document, is regularly reviewed in a Strategic Planning Session of the President’s Council with annual reports to the Board of Trustees.
Strategic Priorities, Strategic Goals, and Strategic Objectives are reviewed and modified annually or as needed. Any reports from the President’s Council or the Nurse Anesthesia Program Council identifying opinions of strengths and weaknesses are reviewed.
The President’s Council will meet in a Strategic Planning Session prior to the annual session of the Board of Trustees meeting to review the document and provide updates.
In any area of review, if the President’s Council, Nurse Anesthesia Program Council, or other appropriate committee has made recommendations for future development, these recommendations will be referred to the Strategic Planning Session of the President’s Council. It is expected that the Strategic Plan will be a five-year document; however, revisions can occur anytime during the five years. These revisions may be in the form of a written or verbal annual report, formulated by the President’s Council in a Strategic Planning Session and directed to the Board of Trustees.
Should the Strategic Planning Session of the President’s Council determine the need for major revisions, prior to the designated annual Board of Trustees meeting, members of the Board of Trustees are sent a draft of the revised Strategic Plan document by mail or electronic transmission. Discussion and approval of major revisions are the responsibility of the Board of Trustees.
Evidence that the institution is abiding by the above processes is evaluated by the Institutional Effectiveness Session of the Nurse Anesthesia Program Council and during self-study reviews for either regional or specialty accreditation.