Table of Contents
- MTSA Emergency Response Plan
- Emergencies Covered
- Training and Drills
- Person to Contact in the Event of an Emergency
- Discovery
- Communication
- Action
- Recovery from Emergency Response Plan
- Emergency Procedures
- Building Evacuation
- Active Shooter (RUN—HIDE—FIGHT)
- Lockdown, Shelter in Place
- Tornado Procedures
- Hazardous Materials Release
- Earthquake
- Suspicious Packages
- Bomb Threats
- PANDEMIC (or inability to utilize campus buildings due to an emergency)
- Appendix C Emergency Procedures
- Appendix D - MTSA Floor Plans/Evacuation Maps
MTSA Emergency Response Plan
The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) for MTSA enables the School to appropriately respond to various types of emergencies.
The ERP is an all-inclusive approach to various crises that might occur on our campus. The plan describes how the School will respond to emergencies that may suddenly and significantly affect our campus. The plan includes the following key elements:
- procedures to respond to, mitigate and recover from emergencies,
- a notification protocol to ensure that accurate and up-to-date information is provided to students, staff, and faculty on a timely basis,
- the chain of command in an emergency on the campus.
- defined roles and responsibilities for those assigned to respond in an emergency; and
- instructions on evacuating from campus buildings based on the type of emergency event,
- testing the emergency response and/or evacuation procedures at least annually, which may include announced or unannounced drills.
This Emergency Response Plan contains the following four stages:
- Discovery
- Communication
- Action
- Recovery
While we all hope that we will not be faced with the need to implement the Emergency Response Plan, it is necessary and appropriate to be fully prepared. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Chris Hulin, President ( 615-732-7841, 615-732-7676
Alescia Bethea, Executive Vice President ( 615-732-7862
Jon Ronning, Vice-President, Finance & Administration ( 615-732-7672
Title IX related: Asia Byers, Director, Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator ( 615-732-7854
Emergencies Covered
This plan is flexible and allows MTSA to respond to many types of emergency situations. (See Appendix C: Emergency Procedures). The decision to respond and the level of response is determined by the President and/or the Administrator on Call.
Training and Drills
Emergency preparedness is crucial. MTSA’s emergency plan requires training and exercises to outline and define responsibilities and to identify and improve weaknesses. MTSA uses the exercises to provide guidance for the ongoing development of the plan. The School will conduct its tests of emergency responses and evacuation procedures either through tabletop exercises or drills at least annually. A debriefing meeting will take place following the drills to assess and evaluate the plan and capabilities of the School. Fire alarms are tested each year. Tests or drills may be announced or unannounced.
Person to Contact in the Event of an Emergency
To protect the campus community, any criminal activity or emergency threat should be reported in a timely manner. The MTSA President is presumed the first point of contact, followed by the Administrator on Call, should there be a threat to the health or safety of the campus community.
Administrators on Call:
Chris Hulin, President ( 615-732-7841
Alescia Bethea, Executive Vice President ( 615-732-7862
Jon Ronning, Vice-President, Finance & Administration ( 615-732-7672
The contact number during business hours (8:00AM-6:00PM) is 615-868-6503. The number for the Administrator on Call after business hours is 615-912-0139. All school personnel are available to assist in contacting the appropriate Administrator or the local authorities in the event of an emergency.
Involved Personnel:
Personnel involved in the Emergency Response Plan are the President and/or Administrator on Call. Building coordinators have been assigned for the campus’ three buildings. The coordinator for the Bowen Academic Center is the Administrative Assistant, Academic Office. The coordinators for the Student Support Center are the Assistant to VP, Finance & Administration (floor 1) and the Coordinator, Information Technology (floor 2). The coordinator for PT Magan Hall is the Executive Administrative Assistant.
Duties and Responsibilities of Involved Personnel:
The President and/or the Administrator on Call must make the decision to enact the emergency response plan and is responsible for communication of emergency and action to be taken. Building Coordinators will make every effort to ensure that buildings have been evacuated in the event that this is necessary.
Building Coordinators are responsible for making sure the most up-to-date student, staff, and faculty list are on the clipboard on their floor, with a pen and other safety documents.
The Coordinator of Plant Operations is responsible for contacting the alarm company prior to any fire drill, coordinating activation of alarms, and is the main contact for reentry to buildings after the drill or event.
During an announced or unannounced fire drill (or a real fire emergency):
Building Coordinators will check their floor, including restrooms, to ensure everyone has evacuated. Doors should be closed but not locked as this could interfere with emergency personnel’s efforts. Building Coordinators will take roll and report all clear to Coordinator of Plant Operations via two-way radio. (For classrooms being used that day, the Building Coordinators will communicate with the instructor to make certain all students have evacuated.)
Building Coordinators will document the time it took to evacuate the building on their roll call sheet. Buildings should be evacuated in less than 5 minutes.
Everyone will remain in their Emergency Assembly Point until the Building Coordinators are given the official word by the Coordinator of Plant Operations to reenter the buildings, via two-way radio. Under no circumstances should any person reenter a building until this has occurred.
After reentering the building, Building Coordinators will present their roll call sheets to the Administrative Campus Safety Officer.
If the event is a drill, Building Coordinators, Administrative Campus Safety Officer, and Coordinator of Plant Operations should meet afterward to assess the drill and suggest any improvements if needed.
Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications
Communication of the emergency and actions to be taken will be made by the President and/or Administrator on Call on utilizing the MTSA’s emergency management software to all faculty, staff, and students. This can contain pre-approved text messages by School officials that are eligible for immediate activation. Any updates to the emergency notifications, will include updates for emergency directions and notification that the threat is no longer imminent-an “all clear” notice, will be issued. Necessary verbal communication of the emergency and actions to be taken will be given by the President and/or Administrator on Call to the building and class coordinators.
Method of Appraisal of Situation:
The President and/or Administrator on Call will become fully aware of the circumstances in person, if possible, evaluate the situation, and then deem whether the Emergency Response Plan should be put into action. The single criteria used to activate the emergency response plan shall be protecting students, faculty, and staff from harm that might occur on the campus.
Evacuation Centers (Listed in Priority Order):
- The Madison Campus Seventh-day Adventist Church
- TriStar Skyline Medical Center parking lot
- Gateway Treatment Center parking lot
Internal/External Medical Services:
Since every student is a registered nurse in training and has multiple years of experience in intensive care nursing, MTSA has made our clinical affiliate rotation sites aware that students on call or on duty are available to bring relief during times of natural disaster or emergency.
First Aid Kits
First aid kits are located in the Academic Administrative Office, Student Services Center-Staff/Faculty Lounges on Floors 1 and 2, and the Administration Office in the PT Magan Building. Any injury or illness requiring care beyond a first aid kit should be directed to an appropriate medical facility.
Recovery from Emergency Response Plan
The President and/or Administrator on Call will be responsible to determine if the “all clear” should be issued post-emergency. This communication will be given to all students, faculty and staff utilizing the MTSA’s emergency management software. A return to normal on-campus activities should only take place when the “all clear” is given.
Recovery from Drills:
Once the announced or unannounced drill begins, the campus community will follow instructions by the building coordinators or designees, and faculty in charge of classes. In the event of a fire drill, Fire Procedures are in emergency procedures. There will be a debriefing after a drill, which includes the building coordinators, for the reviewing of the current procedures.
Appropriate personnel and resources will be utilized to return to the school and its related activities back to a normal and usual routine as soon as it is safe and practical.
Emergency Procedures
Building Evacuation
It is critical, during certain emergencies, that the campus community evacuate the buildings. These would include fire or structural failure, active shooter, and bomb threats. An emergency evacuation is an urgent immediate escape away from an area that contains an imminent threat or ongoing hazard.
Evacuation Procedures
- After being notified to evacuate, stop all work activities. Close, but DO NOT lock, office and classroom doors as you exit. Locked doors can hamper rescue operations.
- Be aware of, and make use of, designated primary and alternate evacuation routes.
- Use the nearest door or stairway if available. All staff members need to be aware of at least two exit routes in their main building in the event one is compromised (see Appendix D: Evacuation Maps).
- DO NOT USE ELEVATORS for evacuation and exit the buildings without rushing or crowding.
- Faculty, staff and building coordinators are responsible for evacuating students, visitors, and anyone needing assistance to a safe established meeting area.
- Do not re-enter the buildings until an “all-clear” notification is given by official announcement.
Fire Procedures
- Remain calm and close but DO NOT Lock office/classroom doors as you exit
- Move quickly to nearest exit
- Do not use elevators
- Follow directions given by emergency personnel or Building Coordinator
- Move to the prearranged meeting areas (EAP - Emergency Assembly Point)
- Do not re-enter building until authorized by response authorities or until an “all-clear” official announcement by the Building Coordinators or Coordinator of Plant Operations.
If you discover a fire or see a flame or smoke please follow the RACE procedures:
R = Remove all persons in immediate danger to safety.
A = Activate manual pull station AND call or have someone call 911.
C = Close doors to prevent the spread of smoke and fire.
E = Extinguish the fire.
See Appendix C: Emergency Procedures
Active Shooter (RUN—HIDE—FIGHT)
If the shooter is outside the building:
- Turn off all the lights and close and lock the doors and windows (close window blinds)
- If possible, to do so safely, get all students on the floor, away from the windows, and out of the line of fire and sight.
- Remain until the “all clear” is given by the MTSA President or the Administrator on Call.
- If the faculty, staff, or students do not recognize the voice that is giving the “all clear” they should not change status as the voice may be false and designed to give false assurances.
If the shooter is inside the building:
- If possible, quickly evacuate the building if there is an accessible escape path. If flight is possible, do not go to the normal gathering site for other drills. Run as far and as fast as you can away from the building.
- If possible, contact 911 with your location using your cell phone, or any available phone. (8 911 from a campus phone)
- If flight is impossible, lock all doors and windows, securing yourself on the floor or under a desk and out of the line of sight and fire. Turn off your cell phone. If possible, blockade the door with heavy furniture.
- Get on the floor and out of the line of sight and fire.
- Wait for all clear instruction to be given by the MTSA President or the Administrator on Call.
If the shooter comes into your class or office:
- There is NO ONE PROCEDURE that authorities recommend in this situation.
- If possible, attempt to get the word out to others and if possible, dial 911.
- USE COMMON SENSE! If hiding or flight is impossible, attempt to overcome the subject with force as A LAST RESORT.
- Remember, there may be more than one active shooter.
- Wait for all clear signal from the proper authorities.
- If flight is possible, do not go to the normal gathering site for other drills. Run as far and as fast as you can away from the target building.
When law enforcement arrives on campus:
- Remain calm and follow officers’ instructions.
- Put down any items in your hands. (i.e., bags, jackets)
- Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
- Keep hands visible at all times.
- Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety.
- Avoid pointing, screaming, and/or yelling.
- Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises.
The first officers to arrive on the scene will not stop to help injured persons. Expect rescue teams comprised of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises. Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.
Lockdown, Shelter in Place
In some emergency situations, it may be necessary to seek shelter indoors, rather than evacuate, for safety reasons. Sheltering-in-place procedures are internationally recognized as standard practices of providing shelter rather than risking direct exposure to a hazardous condition, these procedures include, a hazardous materials incident, terrorist attack, earthquake, and tornado. Evacuation may not be the best course of action. Building coordinators will take the lead in sheltering individuals in their building. It will be important that everyone remain alert and calm and wait for the incident to pass. An “all clear” notification will be given when the event is over, from the President or Administrator on Call, or response authorities.
Tornado Procedures
- Move quickly to safe, designated interior area without windows, and avoid glassed areas
- Move to lowest level of the building
- Close doors and windows
- Protect yourself by going into a “drop and tuck” position
Taking cover IN A VEHICLE:
- If the tornado is visible, far away, and the traffic is light you may be able to drive out of its path by moving at right angles to the tornado.
- If not, park the car as quickly and safely as possible, out of the traffic lanes. Get out of the car and seek shelter in a sturdy building.
- If in open country, run to low ground, away from any cars, and lie flat, face down, protecting the back of your head with your arms.
- AVOID seeking shelter under bridges, which can create deadly traffic hazards while offering little protection against flying debris.
- IF possible, seek shelter in a sturdy building.
- If not, lie flat and face down on low ground, protecting the back of your head with your arms.
- Get as far away from trees and cars as you can as they may be blown onto you in a tornado.
- …use elevators; you could be trapped in them if the power is lost.
- …stay in large open rooms like gyms and auditoriums.
- …stay around glass such as windows or skylights.
- …stay in mobile homes, even if they are tied down.
After a tornado:
- Wait for emergency personnel to arrive
- Carefully render aid to those who are injured.
- Stay away from power lines and puddles with wires in them; they may still be carrying electricity!
- Watch your step to avoid broken glass, nails, and other sharp objects. Stay out of heavily damaged buildings; they could collapse at any time.
- Do not use matches or lighters, in case of leaking natural gas pipes or fuel tanks.
- Remain calm and alert for information and instructions from emergency crews or local officials.
Hazardous Materials Release
- Move from hazardous site and preferably indoors
- Close all windows and doors, sealing the best you can, using towels, clothes, paper, etc.
- Use paper mask, wet handkerchief or paper towel over nose and mouth for temporary respiratory protection
If Indoors:
- Seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table.
- Stay away from windows, shelves, and heavy equipment.
- Do not exit buildings until the initial quake has subsided. If the fire alarm is sounded or if you are directed to leave the building by the MTSA President or the Administrator on Call, walk quickly to the nearest safe exit.
- Once outside, move to an open area as far as you can from other buildings. Be prepared for aftershocks.
- Do not reenter buildings until authorized to do so by the MTSA President or the Administrator on Call.
If Outdoors:
- Move quickly away from buildings, utility poles and other structures. Always avoid power lines as they may still carry electricity.
- If in an automobile, stop in the safest place available, preferably away from power poles and trees. Stay in the vehicle for the safety it offers.
Suspicious Packages
Public awareness of mail bombs has increased at all levels, including in campus mailrooms and offices. The most important thing to remember when finding a suspicious package or letter is not to touch the item. You should clear the area immediately and notify the MTSA President or the Administrator on Call.
Bomb Threats
A bomb is any device capable of producing damage to material, and injury or death to personnel, when detonated. A bomb may be "incendiary," causing fire-producing heat and little explosion; "explosive," causing damage by fragmentation, heat, and blast wave; or “dirty,” causing a release of radiological material.
All bomb threats will be taken seriously. The President and/or Administrator on Call will determine the appropriate course of action. Not all bomb threats are legitimate, and evacuation is not always required.
This plan has been created as a precautionary measure and predefined plan to deal with bomb threats and suspicious devices or packages. This plan is designed to have the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call, faculty, staff, students, and visitors work as a team to ensure a safe environment.
Receiving Bomb Threats
A bomb threat may be received in a number of ways. A threat may be received by telephone, written message, e-mail, face-to-face interaction, social media, or suspicious package delivery by mail or messenger, the first being the most frequently used method.
When receiving a threat, pay careful attention to any pertinent details. The person making a warning or threatening call could reveal enough information about himself or herself so that the recipient could later identify them.
If you receive a phoned-in threat:
- Note the caller I.D. number, if available.
- Signal another staff member to call 911 and then monitor the conversation, if possible.
- Notify the President and/or Administrator on Call.
- Fill out as much of the Bomb Threat Card as possible, including responses to detailed questions.
- When the caller hangs up, DO NOT hang up your line.
- Be available after the call for the police to interview you.
If you receive a written threat:
- Handle the item as little as possible.
- Notify the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call.
- Note where the item was found, the date and time you found the item, any situations or conditions surrounding the discovery, and any other person who may have seen the threat.
If you receive an e-mailed threat:
- Notify the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call.
- Print, photograph, or copy down the message. Include the header of the e-mail.
- Save the e-mail.
- Leave the e-mail open until assistance arrives.
If you receive a verbal threat:
- Project calmness; move and speak slowly, quietly, and confidently.
- Notify the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call. as soon as you can safely do so.
- Note the description of the person who made the threat:
- Name, if you know him or her, or if he or she gave you one.
- Vocal distinguishers.
- Sex.
- Type and color of clothing.
- Body size and height.
- Hair, eye, and skin color; or
- Distinguishing features.
Write down the threat exactly as it was communicated to you:
- Exact wording.
- Who made the threat?
- The date and time of the threat; and
- Where the person who made the threat is now, if known.
Note the direction in which the person who made the threat leaves, and report to the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call.
Due to the overwhelming use of social media as primary means of communication, bomb threats may be made by utilizing social media applications such as Facebook or Twitter. If you see a threat made through social media:
- Report it to 911.
- Notify the President and/or Administrator on Call
- Note the name of the person making the threat and the application they used to make it.
- Record the exact wording of the threat as it was posted.
- Take a screen shot if possible, to provide to the police.
If you overhear a rumor about an IED, a bomb threat, or incident, write down exactly what you heard, from whom you heard it, and then report the rumor to the MTSA President and/or the Administrator on Call.
- The building, upon receipt of threat, may need to be
evacuated in a calm and orderly manner.
- Emergency personnel and designated Building Coordinators will facilitate evacuation.
- Emergency personnel will notify individuals when reentry to the building can be made.
- There is no specified time limit for when students, faculty and staff will be permitted back into the isolated area. This will depend solely upon the information received and the results of the investigation by public safety authorities.
Any one of the following events could trigger an explosive device:
- DO NOT handle any IED, or suspected IED, or suspicious packages.
- DO NOT allow any faculty, staff, students, or visitors access to, or near, the proximity of the IED.
- DO NOT move the IED or enclose it to minimize effects of an explosion.
- DO NOT use cellular telephones.
- DO NOT pull the fire alarms to evacuate any buildings, unless specifically directed to do so by emergency personnel. This may trigger the IED.
- If an IED is inside a container, DO NOT open the container.
Student rosters should be kept current and a copy placed at exits of each building. It is possible that the individual who made the threat is a student, and a current list would assist law enforcement.
- Any and all media inquiries should go through MTSA President (, Executive Vice President (, or Vice President of FInance and Administration (
- The MTSA populous will be notified via MTSA’s emergency management software, and e-mail alert in the event such notification is necessary.
When a bomb threat has been received:
- Listen – Believe the messenger
- Be calm and courteous
- Do not interrupt the caller
- Obtain as much information as you can
- Do not hang up when the call ends

PANDEMIC (or inability to utilize campus buildings due to an emergency)
It is critical during times of medical emergencies such as a pandemic, that the campus community follow certain guidelines established by the government (Federal, State, City). These guidelines may include movement from on campus (in person) work and class (remote) to off campus work and virtual classes.
Each department is responsible to identify supplies/equipment needed for remote work and class. These department plans will be discussed at an emergency President’s Council meeting to determine the viability of immediate purchase and support for the transition off campus. Program Administrators are responsible for completing a plan for students and a seamless transition to online learning. These overall plans are maintained in a security file.
- Coordinator, Admissions and Marketing will place an announcement on the website regarding campus status
- Accreditation liaison will notify SACSCOC
- Program Administrators will notify COA
- Faculty, staff, and students are notified from their respective supervisor or Program Administrator
Dependent upon Federal, State, or City mandates, a return to campus may consist of various requirements. Any return to campus by staff, faculty, or students beyond the designated plan, must be approved by President.
These requirements may filter to MTSA through the actualization of increased cleaning, segregation of workspace, purchasing of masks and other supplies needed, or additional temporary sanitation employees. Additional training for all staff, faculty or students may be required prior to the return to campus.
Appendix C Emergency Procedures
Appendix D - MTSA Floor Plans/Evacuation Maps