Accommodation Requests

Policy Number: 
12/12/2022, 2/28/2023, 11/16/2023, 12/13/2023, 2/8/2024, 6/2024
11/16/2023, 12/13/2023,1/16/2024, 2/8/2024, 6/17/2024 BOT approved 8/2024

MTSA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). To ensure equal opportunity for all qualified persons, students with documented disabilities requiring accommodation have access to support personnel within the Office of the Executive Vice President. An agent of this office will collaborate with other faculty and staff as necessary to provide reasonable accommodations for courses and examinations. Accommodations help qualified students with disabilities access resources to assist them in meeting the technical standards for nurse anesthesia program admission, continuation, and graduation. 

Requests for accommodation of a disability must be made in a timely manner to the Office of the Executive Vice President. Accommodations provided by MTSA are not retroactive. 

Students who receive accommodations are responsible for notifying instructors before beginning each course.

Procedure for Requesting Accommodations

Students with a documented disability may request a reasonable testing accommodation by submitting a written request along with supporting documentation to These requests will be reviewed by the Office of the Executive Vice President.

Supporting documentation includes the following:

  1. A written personal statement identifying the basis of your need for accommodation, the specific accommodation(s) you are requesting, history of past accommodations given, and how a documented disability impacts your testing ability.
  2. A current, complete, and comprehensive evaluation from a qualified healthcare professional performed within the past five years. Qualified healthcare professionals must be licensed or otherwise properly credentialed, possess expertise in the diagnosis of the disability for which the accommodation(s) is sought, and have administered an individualized assessment of the student that supports the need for the requested accommodations.
  3. Documentation from qualified healthcare professionals must include the following:
    1. Document presented on official letterhead from a licensed or qualified healthcare professional who has examined the student.
    2. Official diagnosis, date of diagnosis, and identification of current need for accommodations as supported by the diagnosis.
    3. Specific recommended accommodations/modifications.
    4. Dated and signed by a qualified healthcare professional.
    5. Results of psycho-educational or other professional evaluation(s).