Table of Contents
- Committee Listing
- Board of Trustees
- Preamble
- Strategic Planning Sessions of the PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL (ad hoc)
- ETHICAL CONDUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE For Scholarly Projects – Twice Annually and Ad Hoc
- Acute Surgical Pain Management Council
Committee Listing
Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Academic/Student Affairs
Committee Audit Committee
Finance Committee
President’s Council
Strategic Planning Committee (ad hoc)
Alumni Committee
Grievance Committee (ad hoc)
Faculty/Staff Meeting
NAP Council
Appeals Committee (ad hoc)
Informatics Committee
School Life and Wellness Committee
Evaluation Committee
(Evaluation Subcommittee - Faculty Evaluations)
Nurse Anesthesia Program Council (formerly Dean’s Council)
Screening Committee (for each: DNAP-PD, DNAP-C, ASPMF)
Admissions Committee (for each: DNAP-PD, DNAP-C, ASPMF)
Progressions Committee
Post-Graduate Progressions Committee
Subcommittee - ECRC
ASPM Fellowship Council
Each of the following committees is described in a common parallel format, as follows:
The title of the committee is given in bold font.
The overall membership composition for the committee is briefly described in bold font.
The specific positions and individuals assigned to the committee are then outlined in standard font.
Responsibilities of the committee are listed in a bulleted format, under the Responsibilities subheading, which is in bold font.
Reporting for the committee is described in bulleted format, under the Reporting subheading, which is in bold font. This list includes which committees the specified committee reports to; followed by which committees the specified committee receives reports from.
Scheduling guidelines for the specified committee are listed under the Meeting subheading, which is in bold font.
All definitions are taken from the glossary of the AANA (2004) Standards for Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs, Revised May 2011, Effective May 2011, pp. 24-32.
Academic faculty – Instructors who are responsible for providing didactic instruction in their individual areas of expertise.
Accreditation – A peer process whereby a private, nongovernmental agency grants public recognition to an institution or specialized program of study that meets or exceeds nationally established standards of acceptable educational quality.
Anesthesiologist – A doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathy (DO) who has successfully completed an approved anesthesiology residency program and has been granted active hospital staff membership and full hospital staff privileges in anesthesia.
Appeal – In cases where sanctions may be imposed against a student or faculty member, the right to a fair hearing before an impartial body should be granted in accordance with published rules and procedures. Students should be allowed to appeal any decision that suspends or dismisses them from a program or that delays their graduation.
Clinical faculty – The CRNA or anesthesiologist who are [is] responsible for teaching nurse anesthesia students during the perioperative period and for evaluating their clinical progress.
When students are administering anesthesia, such instructors must be CRNAs or anesthesiologists with staff privileges in anesthesia.
Clinical supervision – Clinical oversight of graduate students in the clinical area that does not exceed two graduate students to one CRNA or anesthesiologist. In the case of medical direction, where the anesthesiologist medically directs 4 concurrent procedures, the ratio of graduate students to CRNA must not exceed 2:1.
Community of interest – A body of individuals who are directly affected by nurse anesthesia education and/or practice, including nurse anesthesia students, faculty, staff, patients, employers, institutions, the public, and [the] higher education community.
Curriculum – All experiences, clinical or didactic, that are under the direction of the program. The planned educational input, process, outcomes, and evaluations designed to enable the student to acquire the experiences specified in the program’s philosophy, goals, and objectives.
Evaluation – A systematic assessment that results in data that are used to monitor and improve program quality and effectiveness.
Faculty – A body of individuals entrusted with instruction, including the teaching staff, both clinical and academic, and any individuals involved in teaching or supervising the educational experiences/ activities of the students on a part-time or full-time basis.
Formative evaluations – Student assessments that help identify problems and areas that require improvement, as well as measure progress and achievement objectives.
Grievance – Any complaint that arises from the participation of a student or faculty member in a nurse anesthesia program.
Nationally recognized accrediting agency – An accrediting agency that is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered by educational institutions and/or programs. This includes regional institutional accrediting agencies, national institutional accrediting agencies, and specialized accrediting agencies.
Objectives – Future-oriented purposes and goals that a nurse anesthesia educational endeavor seeks to fulfill.
Outcomes – Evidence that demonstrates the degree to which a program’s purposes and objectives have been achieved, including the attainment of knowledge, skills, and competencies by students. Outcomes are operational definitions of objectives and must be assessed in relation to them.
Personnel – Persons employed by a conducting institution to provide necessary services, such as teaching and secretarial support, for the operation of a nurse anesthesia program.
Program – An educational curriculum that is designed to provide both didactic and clinical components to prepare a competent nurse anesthetist. The word program is commonly used for all types of nurse anesthesia schools including programs and institutions. In the case of a branch campus, program refers to an educational unit within a larger institution such as a university.
Program design – A graphic representation of the course of study, including all the components of the program, clinical, academic, research, call, affiliations, study time, and the total committed time by quarter or semester.
Public member – A member of a committee who is selected to ensure that consumer concerns, public and patient, are formally represented and to curb any tendency to put program priorities before public interest. Such members should be selected at large, and they cannot be current or former members of the healthcare profession or current or former employees of the institution that is conducting the program. This also excludes anyone who might be perceived to have divided loyalties or potential conflicts of interest, such as a relative of an employee or former employee.
Strategic plan – A written guide that is used to direct the effective operation of a nurse anesthesia program and to promote academic quality.
Student services – Assistance offered to students, such as financial aid, health services, insurance, placement services, and counseling.
Summative evaluations – Summative evaluations describe a student’s achievement at the completion of a period or unit of learning activity and include both expected and unexpected outcomes.
**Non-voting member
Board of Trustees (BOT) 2024
Members: (Maximum of 11 trustees which shall include 9 Trustees and the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Board; No more than 3 of the Trustees licensed, practicing anesthesiologists; either the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be an anesthesia practitioner from the following choices: a CRNA (at either the master or doctoral degree level) or an Anesthesiologist.
- Chairperson: Vic Martin, CRNA
- Vice-Chairperson: Vicki Davies, CPA
- Paul Mazzoni, MD
- Ken Holroyd, MD
- Amanda Williams, MD
- Kristen Kenney, CRNA, MBA
Treasurer: Jon Ronning, BS, MBA – MTSA Vice President, Finance & Administration**
Secretary: Jean Baron-White**
MTSA Officers/Attendees
MTSA President: Chris Hulin**
Executive Vice President: Alescia Bethea**
Vice President, Finance & Administration: Jon Ronning**
DNAP-PD Program Administrator: Interim Alescia Bethea** (currently)
DNAP-C Program Administrator: Hallie Evans**
ASMPF Director: Christian Falyar**
Medical Consultant: Rob Taylor**
Attorney: Charles “Chuck” Cagle **
**Denotes a non-voting member
- Reviews the annual State of the School report by the MTSA President
- Reviews the quarterly report from the Finance Committee by the MTSA Director of Operations
- Appoints and annually evaluates the MTSA President
- Reviews and evaluates the overall performance of the School
- Provides oversight for resource management
- Approves the annual MTSA budget and audited financial statements
- Refers any discrepancies discovered in the annual audit to the Audit Committee
- Assists in securing resources to further the mission and vision of MTSA
- Serves as a legal voice for the School
- Fills any vacancy on the MTSA BOT, through the actions of the Nominating Committee
- Undertakes appropriate self-limitation
- Receives reports from the President’s Council quarterly or as needed, via the MTSA President
- Receives reports from the Finance Committee quarterly, via the MTSA Vice President of Finance & Administration
- Receives reports from the Audit Committee annually, via the MTSA Vice President of Finance & Administration
- Receives reports from the Nominating Committee annually or as needed, via the committee spokesperson.
- Meets quarterly, typically on the first or second Monday evening in the months of February, April/May, August, and November
Members: The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and the President of MTSA, Board Recording Secretary
- Takes such actions as shall be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the School and consistent with MTSA bylaws.
- The day-to-day operational authority of the School is vested in the President of MTSA.
- Minutes for each meeting are recorded and reported at the next regular Board meeting.
- Recommends persons for election to membership on the Board
- Evaluates BOT member attendance, to determine whether their presence at meetings has been adequate to continue as members
- Works with the Board Chair in the appointment of committee assignments.
- Reports directly to the BOT
- Meets ad hoc, as needed
Chairperson: Board Member (as appointed)
Additional Board Members
Executive Vice President
Secretary: Executive Assistant to Executive VP
- Reviews and recommends to the Board the academic programs for Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia
- Reviews and reports to the Board outcomes of the educational programs of the School Reviews and reports to the Board changes for the future direction of the curriculum, as recommended by the faculty.
- Reports directly to the Board of Trustees, via the Academic/Student Affairs Committee chairperson.
- Meets semi-annually or more frequently as needed.
Chairperson: Board Member (as appointed)
Secretary: Assistant to VP for Finance & Administration
Additional Board Members
MTSA VP for Finance & Administration
- Presents the annual audit to the Board for its consideration and approval.
- Recommends to the Board for approval an audit firm to conduct the annual audit of the operations of MTSA
- Recommends changes in policies and procedures consistent with the findings of the audit.
- Reports directly to the MTSA BOT annually, via the Audit Committee Chairperson.
- Receives a report from the MTSA BOT for follow up of any continuing issues.
- Meets annually, after the MTSA annual audit is completed and before it is reported to the MTSA BOT, and more frequently as needed
- The general timeline for annual audit process is as follows:
- Annual MTSA audit performed in the autumn, by an outside reviewer
- Reviewer compiles report of the audit to present to the MTSA BOT.
- Audit Committee meets with the outside reviewer to receive the audit report and then presents their recommendations to the next meeting of the MTSA BOT.
- Trustees review the audit report and refer any continuing issues to the Audit Committee for further follow up if needed
Chairperson: Board Member (as appointed)
Secretary: Assistant to VP for Finance & Administration
Additional Board Members
MTSA Vice President, Finance & Administration
- Reviews quarterly financial statements and compares to current operating budget, and revises the budget if necessary
- Reviews proposed annual salary increases budgeted for MTSA personnel.
- Reviews and recommends the budget for MTSA, consistent with the policies and directives of the Board.
- Reports directly to the MTSA BOT quarterly, via the Finance Committee Chairperson and/or his designee
- Receives budget requests directly from the President’s Council, which were received from various committees within the School, such as the Advancement Committee, the Alumni Committee, the Progressions Committee, the Faculty Committee/Academic & Clinical
- Meets quarterly, just prior to the MTSA BOT meeting
- Typically, the meeting preceding the May Board meeting addresses any recommendations from the President’s Council as they relate to salaries
- May meet more frequently if needed
Chairperson: President
Secretary: Executive Assistant to the President
Executive VP
VP for Finance & Administration
Program Administrator, DNAP-PD
Program Administrator, DNAP-C
Director, ASPMF
Director of Financial Aid
Director of Center for Simulation
Director Educational Technology
Registrar, Director Academic Coaching
Director, Human Resources
Others may be invited by the President to attend specific portions of certain President’s Council meetings, as indicated by the topics to be discussed. The Medical Consultant is invited to attend meetings of the President’s Council, however his attendance at meetings is not required.
Has been given authority by the BOT to develop policy and make management decisions to ensure optimal future advancement of the Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia.
- Oversees all daily and ongoing activities among students, alumni, staff, and faculty
- Reviews, revises, approves, or denies proposals for School policy revisions, to include long-range planning as appropriate
- Recommends major School policy changes to the BOT
- Reviews any issues that may evolve, which may need a central committee’s attention, and makes recommendations to other committees, as appropriate
- Reviews reports from the weekly Staff Committee meeting, as needed, delivered by the President, or his designee
- The President’s Council holds Strategic Planning sessions.
- Acts on items referred for consideration from the following Committees:
- Alumni Committee
- Nurse Anesthesia Program Council
- Evaluation Committee
- Faculty Committee
- Progressions Committee
- Interviews candidates for key administrative and staff appointments.
- Reviews MTSA personnel salary structure and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee regarding annual salary increases, via the Vice President of Finance & Administration
- Assures maintenance of the uniformity of documents and information representing MTSA, such as the School logo and other written materials
- Oversees all publications issued by the School, including, but not limited to, the following:
- The Airways newsletter
- MTSA advertisements in other publications
- MTSA recruiting materials
- Public website and intranet site
- Alumni communications and golf tournament flyers
- Reports directly to BOT quarterly, via the Chairperson of the President’s Council, who is the President of MTSA
- Receives reports from the MTSA BOT quarterly, via the President
- Receives reports from the Staff Committee weekly or as needed.
- Meets monthly, or as needed.
Strategic Planning Sessions of the PRESIDENT’S COUNCIL (ad hoc)
Chairperson: President
Secretary: Executive Assistant to the President
Executive Vice President
Program Administrator, DNAP-PD
Program Administrator, DNAP-C
Director, ASPMF
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Others may be invited by the President to attend specific sessions or portions of certain Strategic Planning Committee meetings, as indicated by the topics to be discussed.
- Makes specific long-range plans for continuous quality improvement and/or strategic initiatives that are voted on by the President’s Council or the BOT.
- Annual review of the Strategic Plan, including:
- Addition of new strategic initiatives or goals
- Review of current goals
- Review of current objectives
- A review of accomplishing each specific goal and objective
- A review of strategic priorities, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential threats
- A purpose statement for any proposed plan/development that should relate to the overall Mission, Values, Vision, or Goals of the School
- Time frame in which to be completed
- Required resources
- Evaluation criteria
- Date to be reviewed
- Action to be taken after evaluation
- Report of evaluation
- Reports indirectly to the MTSA BOT, via the President.
- Meets during a scheduled session of the President’s Council. Preferably, the Strategic Planning session will occur during the month prior to the quarterly MTSA BOT meetings. May meet more frequently, as needed
Members: (All members must be MTSA alumni or current students; No public members; Up to 2 student members may be invited to attend any one meeting)
Chairman - Alumni Committee President
Immediate Past President (PER ALUMNI BYLAWS)
Alumni Representatives
a) Four who completed the Nurse Anesthesia Program within the most recent 20 years,
b) Four who completed the Nurse Anesthesia Program more than 20 years ago, and
c) One who completed the ASPM Fellowship
*Secretary: Research & Library Assistant
Student representatives, one PD second year and one PD third year.
*MTSA President
*MTSA Executive Vice President
***As an independent volunteer committee, MTSA does not stipulate attendance requirements for members of the Alumni Committee.
*=ex-officio members
- While this is an entirely volunteer organization, MTSA supports the organization in its functions. The Executive Vice President is the MTSA administrative liaison to this committee and works with the officers and association committee members to support and help in the objectives of the association. MTSA recognizes the functions of the Alumni Committee which may include the following:
- Enhance
sthe development of MTSA by supporting projects the committee may choose, yet in harmony with the mission and current goals of MTSA - Foster Engagement of MTSA and alumni
- Organize and/or be involved in Continuing Education offerings to the alumni
- Support MTSA fundraising activities like the annual golf event and other campaigns/programs
- Enhance
- The Alumni Committee may design and designate ad hoc subcommittees to address specific events, such as the annual golf tournament
- Reports to the Executive Vice President, via the Alumni Committee President and President-elect
- Reports to the President’s Council indirectly via the Executive Vice President
- Reports to the MTSA Board of Trustees directly via the Alumni Committee President, who is a full voting member of the MTSA Board of Trustees
- Meets at least quarterly, typically in February, April/May, August, and November, prior to the quarterly MTSA Board of Trustees meeting.
Members: (No public members; No student members)
Chairperson: Appointed by the President’s Council
Secretary: Executive Assistant to the President
MTSA President
MTSA Executive Vice President
MTSA Vice President of Finance & Administration
MTSA Attorney
Two faculty members and/or one salaried staff member, approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
One alternate faculty member and/or salaried staff member, approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
The Grievance Committee shall be empowered to replace such members as may excuse themselves from involvement in a particular grievance due to any conflict of interest, up to a maximum of one from each category (faculty, salaried staff). In selecting replacement members, the committee shall avoid choosing individuals with any known reason for bias regarding the case at hand. In no case shall the committee function with fewer than five members, specifically including the chair. The President’s Council will avoid electing a Chair for the committee with any direct or potential conflict of interest.
- The Grievance Committee shall have jurisdiction over matters including, but not limited to age, race, gender discrimination, color, national origin, handicap/disability, harassment, sexual misconduct, termination of employment and non-renewal of employment agreement.
- In no case shall a grievance petition be entertained by the Grievance Committee until appropriate lesser forms of redress have been thoroughly explored, as described in the Administrative Manual.
- The Grievance Committee should follow the guidelines outlined in the Grievance Procedure for MTSA Employees, as described in the Administrative Manual.
- If the Grievance Committee determines that a prima facie grievance does not exist, it shall notify the President and the School appointed attorney of that determination, in writing. The written letter shall also specify the reasons that the Committee reached that determination. The President will then notify the grievant of the Committee’s decision.
- If the Grievance Committee’s determination favors the School, the President shall be free to implement the decision of the Committee and shall notify the grievant in writing within four (4) MTSA business days of receiving the Committee’s written report.
- If the Grievance Committee’s determination favors the grievant, the President shall meet with the grievant within four (4) MTSA business days and present the vote of the Committee in writing.
- Ad hoc, upon the President’s Council’s receipt of a written request to form a Grievance Committee
- In no instance will a complaint made by a faculty or staff member receive consideration initiated later than one year of the occurrence.
Members: (All on-site and remote staff and faculty are members.)
Chairperson: MTSA President
Secretary: Executive Assistant to the President
Members: MTSA Administration, Staff, and Faculty
- Reviews, integrates, and implements all daily activities of the School
- Reports activities within each area to determine if any major projects exist with which any department or individuals may need assistance for timely completion
- Plans social activities to facilitate interaction between faculty, staff, students, and their families, when feasible
- Plans team-building activities to facilitate cohesiveness of in-house faculty and staff members, when feasible
- May design and designate ad hoc subcommittees to address specific events, such as Graduation, or areas, such as communications
- In coordination with the appropriate departments (i.e. Academic, Alumni, Clinical, etc.), discusses needed food and decoration arrangements needed for various meetings, activities, and functions of MTSA, to include the following:
- CRNA Week (January)
- Student Orientation
- Student/Family Day
- Constitution Day celebration (every September 17)
- Graduation (December)
- New Applicant Interviews (July)
- Any student meals at MTSA
- Other events as requested by the President’s Council
Reporting: Reports to President’s Council weekly or as needed.
Meets: Meets weekly, typically on Monday mornings
Chairperson: Executive Vice President
Secretary: Administrative Assistant, DNAP-PD
Program Administrator, DNAP-PD
Program Administrator, DNAP-C/NAEP
Director, ASPMF
Assistant Program Administrator(s)
Research & Library Assistant
Registrar, Director of Academic Coaching
Faculty Members
Others may be invited by the Program Administrator to attend specific portions of certain Nurse Anesthesia Program Council meetings, as indicated by the topics to be discussed.
- Oversight of MTSA’s academic and clinical program content and delivery.
- Faculty development
- Clinical affiliations
- Student Services
- Student discipline (Implements and follows-up from Progressions Committee decisions)
- Use of Educational Technology, in consultation with the Director of IT.
- Learning Resources
- New curriculum planning
- Interview Committee reports to NAP Council in regards to interview and selection of the DNAP candidates
- Oversees implementation of DNAP-PD Progressions Committee decisions regarding student progression and discipline.
- Reviews and recommends improvements in educational technology for the future, as needed
- Encourages integration of current and new technologies throughout the curriculum
- Develops faculty in-service programs for instruction on the integration of current and new educational technology into the curriculum
- Reviews MTSA Learning Resource Center list of video, text, and periodical titles to ensure the most effective inventory of anesthesia-specific and related resources
- Reviews student and faculty needs of the LRC
- Plans for future needs of the LRC
- Submits proposed educational budget requests to the President’s Council at least annually
- Holds Institutional Effectiveness sessions
- Reviews all policies related to academics, clinical, students and faculty to ensure documentation of adherence to said policies in actual practice
- Ensures program compliance with accreditation standards set forth in the Standards for Accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA)
- Ensures program compliance with the Principles of Accreditation published by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges of the (SACSCOC)
- Reports to the President’s Council via the Chairperson or his/her designee
- Recommends educational technology improvements to the President’s Council via the Chairperson or his/her designee.
- Receives instructional technology or materials requests and/or recommendations from faculty.
- May receive reports, as needed, from Progressions Committee, and Evaluation Committee, via the Chairpersons or designees of those committees
- Meets monthly, or as needed
Chairperson: Program Administrator of the respective program (DNAP-PD, DNAP-C, or ASPMF)
Secretary: Coordinator, Admissions and Recruitment
Members: President
Executive Vice President
Assistant Program Administrator(s)
Medical Consultant
Doctoral Faculty representatives
Clinical Site Coordinator Representatives
- Interviews applicant candidates who were extended an invitation to interview by the Screening Committee, which is a sub-committee/sub-session of the Admissions Committee, for admission in the interview process, typically held annually
- Select an alternate pool from the qualified applicant candidates that were interviewed
- Recommend policies and criteria for admission of students to NAPC, with advice from other appropriate committees (i.e. Faculty)
- Reports decisions made for admissions to the Board annually
- Reports recommended policies and criteria for admission of students to NAPC, via the respective Program Administrator or Executive Vice President.
- Receives reports annually, prior to all interview sessions, from the Screening Committee
- Meets annually for multiple days for Interview Sessions, typically held July.
Chairperson: Program Administrator of the respective program (DNAP-PD, DNAP-C, ASPMF)
Secretary: Coordinator, Admissions and Recruitment
Executive Vice President
Assistant Program Administrator(s)
Medical Consultant
The Secretary for the Screening Committee assembles all the applicant files and distributes copies of them to the Screening Committee members prior to their initial meeting. After the second meeting of the Screening Committee, which occurs after completion of the Regular Interview sessions, the Secretary processes the alternate list voted on by the Screening Committee.
- Reviews statistics of all completed applications for admission files to determine eligibility for consideration for a personal interview
- Reviews all completed applicant files determined to be eligible for consideration for a personal interview, and then decide which of those will actually be invited for a personal interview
- Reviews transcripts, recommendations, and other data of individuals seeking to transfer to MTSA from any other program of nurse anesthesia
- Reviews transcripts, recommendations, and other data of individuals seeking admission to MTSA who have withdrawn voluntarily or have been terminated from any other program of nurse anesthesia
- Decides which applicants will be invited to interview for the next cycle, based on the criteria published in the respective program Student Handbook
- Recommends remedial activities to those not invited for a personal interview
- Determines the alternate candidate list after the Interview sessions, after conducting additional research on the candidates, as needed
- Reports list of applicants to be invited to interview to the Interview Committee annually
- Meets at least three times each year. One meeting is approximately two weeks after the application deadline to review the files and select the candidates to be invited to interview. The second meeting is soon after the interviews are conducted to finalize the class selection and the alternate list. The third meeting is held to re-evaluate and revise the admissions forms and process for the upcoming application period.
Members: (No public members; No student members)
Chairperson: MTSA Medical Consultant
Vice Chairperson: Research & Library Assistant
Secretary: Coordinator, Evaluations & Credentialing
Executive Vice President
Program Administrator, DNAP-PD
Program Administrator, DNAP-C
Director, ASPMF
Assistant Program Administrator(s)
Clinical Support Specialist
- Reviews all academic, clinical, and organizational evaluations, including those relating to specific personnel
- Reviews anonymous semester summaries of all student evaluations of academic instructors and courses
- Reviews anonymous semester summaries of all student evaluations of clinical instructors and affiliate sites
- Receives summary reports of the following evaluations:
- Annual student evaluations of the program
- Annual faculty evaluations of the program
- Annual graduate evaluations of the program, completed by the immediate- preceding year’s graduates
- Annual graduate self-evaluations of the previous year’s graduates
- Annual employer evaluations of the previous year’s graduates
- Annual student services evaluations
- Annual spirituality evaluations
- Annual Learning Resource Center evaluations
- Reviews summaries of all evaluations of students’ clinical performance by clinical instructors, on which the student was awarded a grade lower than 80%, or if there are continuing concerns regarding performance
- Reviews all clinical issues than may have been raised since the previous meeting of the Evaluation Committee
- Reviews any other programmatic evaluations
- Reports to the President’s Council.
- Reports any significant new clinical issues to the Faculty Committee or the President’s Council
- Reports any evaluation needs to the Evaluation Coordinator
- Receives copies of the semester compilations of the students’ evaluations of specific administrative and programmatic personnel from the Evaluation Coordinator
- Receives copies of the semester compilations of the students’ evaluations of specific academic personnel and didactic courses from the Evaluation Coordinator
- Receives copies of the semester compilations of the students’ evaluations of clinical sites from the Evaluation Coordinator
- Receives copies of the Clinical Evaluation Summary sheet for each student on which the clinical site coordinator awarded the student a grade lower than 90% or if there are continuing concerns regarding performance, from the Evaluation Coordinator
- Meets each semester and Ad hoc, as necessary.
ETHICAL CONDUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE For Scholarly Projects – Twice Annually and Ad Hoc
Chairperson: Executive Vice President
Secretary: Nurse Anesthesia Program Council Recording Secretary
DNAP-C Program Administrator/EBP Faculty Coordinator
DNAP-PD EBP Faculty Coordinator
1 other doctoral Faculty member (members may rotate)
- Review any scholarly project proposals to determine:
- Not research, as defined by DHHS, thus not regulated by 45 CFR 46
- Fit criteria for excluded research, therefore exempt from 45 CFR 46
- Is research, as defined by DHHS, thus regulated by 45 CFR 46
- Scholarly projects is this category will not be approved and will be recommended for external IRB review.
- Reports to the Nurse Anesthesia Program Council
- Meets twice annually and Ad hoc
Members: (Minimum of 1 public member; one student from each DNAP-PD cohort)
Chairperson: Executive Vice President
Secretary: Coordinator of Clinical Support
Assistant Program Administrator(s)
Medical Consultant
CRNA Faculty Representative
Clinical Site Representative(s)
One student from each PD cohort
Representative Community Member(s)
(Program Administrator of respective program (DNAP-PD, DNAP-C, ASPMF - depending on each case) (Non-voting for issues regarding their respective program)
- Deliberates & decides upon all student progression & disciplinary issues relating to School activities.
- Approves all changes in students’ designated status, to include advancement to the next level and graduation
- Reviews any reports of concern submitted from the Evaluation Committee
- Ensures all decisions made and actions taken are in compliance with accreditation standards set forth in the Standards for Accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA)
- Ensures all decisions made and actions taken are in compliance with the Principles of Accreditation published by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Receives reports from ad hoc Appeals Committee meetings, as needed
- Receives reports from Evaluation Committee regarding any evaluation concerns, as needed
- Meets each semester, typically after final exam concludes and before the next semester (about April, August, & December).
Members: (Minimum of 1 public member; 3 student members – ASPMF, DNAP-C, NAEP)
Co-Chairperson: Director | DNAP-C & NAEP and Director | ASPMF
Secretary: Coordinator, Post Degree Programs
Director | DNAP-C & NAEP
Director | ASPMF
Assistant Director | ASPMF
Clinical Site Representative
Representative Community Member(s)
(Program Administrator of respective program (DNAP-C, ASPMF - depending on each case) (Non-voting for issues regarding their respective program)
- Deliberates & decides upon all student progression & disciplinary issues relating to School activities.
- Approves all changes in students’ designated status, to include advancement to the next level and graduation
- Reviews any reports of concern submitted from the Evaluation Committee
- Ensures all decisions made and actions taken are in compliance with accreditation standards set forth in the Standards for Accreditation by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA)
- Ensures all decisions made and actions taken are in compliance with the Principles of Accreditation published by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Receives reports from ad hoc Appeals Committee meetings, as needed
- Receives reports from Evaluation Committee regarding any evaluation concerns, as needed
- Meets each semester, typically after finals week and before the next semester (about April, August, & December).
Members: This committee will be made up of four to six members with a minimum of 1 public member and 1 current student member.
Chairperson: Appointed by President (varies)
Secretary: Coordinator, Clinical Support
The Chairperson and specific members are to be appointed by the President from the following groups:
- MD anesthesiologist
- MD other specialties
- CRNA or other healthcare provider
- Higher Education educator
- Public member outside of healthcare
- Current first-year student
- Current second-year student
- Current third-year student
Members appointed to this Appeals Committee will not have previous knowledge of the grievance or appeal.
- Hears and makes a decision regarding the formal grievance or appeal of any student to a terminal disciplinary action taken by the Progressions Committee
- Notifies the complainant and the MTSA Administration (President and Executive Vice President) in writing of the Appeals Committee decision
- Submits its recommendation for course of action directly to the President and Executive Vice President
- Reports directly to the President who will report such recommendation and action back to the Progressions Committee.
- Will be convened when the respective program's Program Administrator is in receipt of a written appeal of a Progressions Committee decision from a student.
- Chairperson: Research & Library Assistant
- Secretary: Administrative Assistant, Nurse Anesthesia Program
- Office Faculty Representative or alternate
- Staff Representative or alternate
- Registrar, Director of Academic Coaching
- MTSA Chaplain
- Plant Operations
- Director of Human Resources
- Representative from Safety Initiative
- Three student representatives from each PD cohort (1 student liaison, 1 student representative, and 1 student representative & class archivist)
The goal of the School Life and Wellness Committee is to support the MTSA Vision and Core Values, which include a wholistic approach to education, healthcare and a balanced lifestyle, along with the development of a life of service.
The School Life and Wellness Committee disseminates information and resources related to the interrelated dimensions of wellness, including but not limited to the following:
- Physical Wellness
- Mental Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Academic/Occupational Wellness
- Safety
- Community
The committee includes student representatives from each Practice Doctorate cohort, student representatives from the online programs, and MTSA staff and faculty.
The committee meets once a semester to discuss improvements to campus spaces, topics that arise in day-to-day life at MTSA, and opportunities that would benefit and enhance the overall well-being of each student.
- Add value to student lives through the incorporation of the interrelated dimensions of wellness, including but not limited to the following.
- Physical Wellness
- Mental Wellness
- Spiritual Wellness
- Academic/Occupational Wellness
- Safety
- Community
- Disseminate information and resources related to the interrelated dimensions of wellness.
- Incorporate COA Standard 39.
- Host one event each semester.
- Nurture fellowship and service
- Developing charges for the committee to accomplish each year
- Submits a report to the President’s Council or Nurse Anesthesia Program Council, depending on items.
- Meets each semester
Acute Surgical Pain Management Council
The Acute Surgical Pain Management Fellowship (ASPMF) Council is a committee that provides academic oversight to the ASPMF. The committee reviews the development of the program, evaluations of the program and clinical sites and makes decisions regarding admissions of Fellows.
- ASPMF Progressions Committee--Ad Hoc The ASPMF Progressions Committee deliberates and decides on Fellowship disciplinary issues and reviews recommendations from the Director, ASPMF regarding the academic progress of Fellows.
- ASPMF Appeals Committee--Ad Hoc The ASPMF Appeals Committee hears and makes a final decision upon the formal grievance or appeal of any Fellow to a terminal disciplinary action taken by the Fellowship Progressions Committee.
Chair: Director, Educational Technology
Coordinator, IT
Teaching Assistant & ExamSoft Administrator
Coordinator, Plant Operations
Nurse Anesthesia Program Student Representative
Manager, Instructional Design
PD Faculty and Online Faculty representatives (not all)
Director Academic Coaching and Registrar
Recording Secretary: Administrative Assistant, Nurse Anesthesia Program
The Informatics Committee's purpose is to provide consistent oversight and direction to the continuous development, implementation, evaluation, and modification of information technologies that underpin the educational, communication, and data management systems at MTSA, while also assuring compliance with the privacy laws of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and adhering to the Department of Education's IT Security Policies regarding information technology safety.
The specific charges of the committee include:
- Assure there is multiple consumer oversight and direction for modifications and enhancements to information technology systems
- Assure proposed modifications and enhancements to the information technology systems adhere to the guiding governmental, institutional, and accreditation principles and standards
- Provide input and recommendations to the organization about strategic directions for the ongoing management and development of information technologies
- Evaluate, prioritize and recommend the development and implementation of incremental modifications and enhancements in the functionality and operation of information technologies
- Make recommendations to the organization about opportunities and practices that would support the capture, documentation, display, analysis, and reporting of SRNA classroom and clinical evaluation information
- Make recommendations to the organization via PRC about the education and training of faculty, staff, and students
The committee reports to the PRC and will provide regular updates on recommended initiatives and evaluation findings. The Informatics Committee will not have the authority to make independent decisions about the use and configuration of information technology systems at MTSA. Rather, the committee’s role is to advise and inform administrative decisions that influence related information technology issues and policies.
The committee will meet each quarter.