Clinical Evaluation of Students

Policy Number: 
12/20/16, 12/17/24
12/20/16, 12/17/2024


Formative clinical evaluations are used to assess students’ clinical performance on a given date and to give the students immediate feedback on their performance.  

Formative evaluations by clinical instructors are subjective; however, the evaluation form states   the expectations of students at each level, so instructors can evaluate students by those expectations and by comparing performance of students within a given cohort, and within cohorts at the same level in the past. Students should be aware that the purpose of the tool is not just to log how well the student is doing (as important as positive feedback is), but to especially note specifically where they need to improve. Students should utilize every opportunity to seek advice about how to improve.  

The formative clinical evaluation tool is user friendly and is reviewed and revised periodically. The student should ask the clinical instructor to complete the formative clinical evaluation each clinical day that the student logs an anesthetic case.   

 Performance levels have associated scores to be used internally as part of calculating a summative score at the end of each semester. These scores are not published on the formative clinical evaluation tool and are graduated. Students in semesters 3-8 are required to have clinical formative evaluations for a minimum of 75% of their clinical case days. Students in semester 9 must have 5 clinical formative evaluations, with 10 preferred.   


Summative clinical evaluations represent the average of scores, completion rates, and comments from the formative clinical evaluations for a given semester. MTSA personnel review summative clinical evaluations and determine if each student’s clinical performance that semester has been satisfactory (grade of Passing) or unsatisfactory (grade of Not Passing). 

Expectations of Students 

Clinical Year One (CY1); Semesters Three - Five 
Students begin clinical rotations in their third semester a regular and published schedule. At least one evaluation should be completed per clinical day the student logs cases (excluding pre-operative or break days). However, two evaluations per clinical day are acceptable. CY1 students are required to have clinical formative evaluations for a minimum of 75% of their clinical case days. Exceeding the minimum requirement results in a graduated increase in scoring (max. +5%). Having less than the minimum requirement results in a graduated decrease in scoring (max. -10%), with potential repeated rotation and program extension with < 25% results. 

Clinical Year Two (CY2); Semesters Six – Eight 
Students’ clinical rotations increase to a daily schedule in their sixth semester until graduation. Students continue to be expected to seek evaluations from clinical instructors using the MTSA formative clinical evaluation tool. The exception to this formative clinical evaluation tool is the OB rotation at Vanderbilt, where MTSA approved an alternate evaluation form. CY2 students are required to have clinical formative evaluations for a minimum of 75% of their clinical case days (excluding pre-operative or break days). Exceeding the minimum requirement results in a graduated increase in scoring (max. +5%). Having less than the minimum requirement results in a graduated decrease in scoring (max. -10%). Internal scoring (max. -10%), with potential repeated rotation and program extension with < 25% results. 

Clinical Year Three (CY3); Semester Nine 

CY3 students are required to have 5 clinical formative evaluations with 10 being preferred.  

Special Card System 

MTSA has developed a “card system” to assist in the evaluation process of all students at all levels. Giving these cards is the prerogative of each instructor and can be accomplished by email, verbally, or formative clinical evaluation comments.  

Green card

Green cards can be submitted by an academic or clinical instructor to acknowledge and commend outstanding performance in any area by a student. Green cards are discussed at NAP Council and Progressions Committee meetings.

Yellow card 

Yellow cards can be submitted by an academic or clinical instructor to identify students who demonstrate behaviors which may cause elevated and unnecessary risk. This type of identification will result in activation of the MTSA Clinical Safety Concerns Protocol to ensure the concerns are communicated, addressed, and documented properly. Yellow cards are also discussed at NAP Council and Progressions Committee meetings.  

Red card 

Red cards can be submitted by an academic or clinical instructor to identify students who demonstrate behaviors which do cause elevated and unnecessary risk. This type of identification will result in activation of the MTSA Clinical Safety Concerns Protocol to ensure the concerns are communicated, addressed, and documented properly. Red cards are discussed at NAP Council and Progressions Committee meetings.  

 To receive a Red card is serious. Any student receiving a Red card will be required to complete a drug screen within 24 hours of the school receiving notice of the Red card. Red cards can lead to probation, suspension, removal from clinical site, failure of rotation, or termination from the program.  

All cards will become part of the student’s permanent file. The Progressions Committee will consider clinical performance (formative and summative), and any cards received to make the final decision relative to any action regarding clinical performance. Should it be determined that there may be a negative decision by the Progressions Committee (eg, probation or termination), the student will be offered the opportunity to discuss his performance with the Progressions Committee, prior to any decision.