Student Inclement Weather

Policy Number: 
12/20/16, 10/20, 4/2021
12/20/16, 10/2020, 4/2021 BOT approved 5/2021

There are no days off from clinical assignments exclusively for inclement weather. The student should exercise professional judgement, as the anesthesia profession demands a higher level of commitment. If the student is unable to travel to a clinical assignment on time, the student should reassess the feasibility of travel every couple of hours

Should the student elect not to attend clinical or class, they will be charged an emergency day for the absence. Please follow the “Procedure for taking Emergency time Off” in the Student Handbook on who to contact.

Students are to use their judgment regarding travel to the campus for classes. If the MTSA campus closes due to weather, a text message will be sent out through the school’s emergency management software to notify all students not to come to campus.