Faculty Workload

Policy Number: 
3/2014 , 6/2022, 2/2025
12/2016, 1/2017, 6/22/2022, 9/2023

Faculty Time Commitments:

A full-time faculty member with administrative responsibilities would not be expected to teach a full- time load, due to the additional administrative and program oversight responsibilities. The person may teach up to six (6) semester hours per semester, up to a total of 18 semester hours per academic year.

A full-time, non-administrative faculty member may teach up to a total of 12 semester hours per semester, or up to a total of 36 semester hours per academic year.

A part-time faculty member must teach a minimum of one (1) semester hour per academic year and up to eight (8) semester hours per semester, up to a total of 24 semester hours per academic year.

Maximum Teaching Workload

Faculty workload includes multiple activities including but not limited to: teaching, mentor/advisor, simulation instruction, testing, updating lectures, course development, curriculum design, committee membership, service to community, practice, and scholarly activities.

Each year the faculty meets with the Program Administrator and Executive Vice President to determine their teaching workload and other activities for the year.