Professional Fees & Dues Reimbursement

Policy Number: 
3/1/12, 5/2020
Revised: 3/1/12, 5/2020, 9/2023

Employee personal association/professional dues, certification fees, and/or professional licenses are covered expenses provided they meet the following requirements:

  1. Association/Professional Dues
    1. Memberships in professional associations related to one’s position and job responsibilities at MTSA are covered expenses. Membership is reasonable, justifiable and necessary to benefit the School.
    2. Approval for payment is required as follows:
      • Administrators – Approved by the President
      • Faculty – Approved by the Executive Vice President, or authorized designee

        NOTE: for regularly scheduled faculty who work at least half time at MTSA and who do not have their fees and/or dues paid by their place of full-time employment.

      • Staff – Approved by the administrative supervisor
  2. Personal Certification Fees/Professional Licenses
    1. Personal certification and/or professional licenses that are reasonable, justifiable and necessary to benefit the School. Some valid reasons may be: to maintain appropriate benefit to MTSA, to preserve the health and safety of the School community, or to maintain the functioning of the School as required by directives.
    2. Approval for payment is required as follows:
      • Administrators – Approved by the President
      • Faculty – Approved by the Executive Vice President or authorized designee

        NOTE: for regularly scheduled faculty who work at least half time at MTSA and who do not have their fees and/or dues paid by their place of full-time employment

      • Staff – Approved by the administrative supervisor


Requests for reimbursement of employee association/professional dues, certifications, or licensing fees should be submitted on an Employee Expense & Mileage Report with required documentation and turned into the Business Office for processing. When using an MTSA credit card, it is essential that all required documentation and approvals are in place prior to making the charge. Transaction receipts must be submitted with the appropriate credit card statement.