Replacement of MTSA Administrators (Other than the President)

Policy Number: 
2011, 1/15/19, 2023

The replacement/succession, recruitment and hiring process for Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA) administrative personnel (other than the president) are to be conducted via a focused, intentional and thorough process designed to hire the most qualified individual who will support the mission, vision, values and goals of the School. The General Provisions and Conditions of Employment statement in the MTSA Administrative Manual states:

It is highly desirable that the administrative positions: President, Executive Vice President, Program Administrator, and the Vice President for Finance and Administration be held by Seventh-day Adventists with appropriate credentials to complete the tasks outlined in their respective job descriptions. If these positions are held by other than Seventh-day Adventists, they will be individuals whose lifestyle is in harmony with Christian beliefs and values. If a vacancy exists in one of these positions, notice of the vacancy may be initially advertised in SDA professional publications and other national publications as necessary.

This policy encourages the input and participation of selected Board members in the selection process of MTSA administrators, with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the President to make the final selection.

The mission, vision, values, and goals of MTSA require that administrative positions be occupied by individuals who are committed to academic excellence, have the appropriate amount of experience and education necessary to fill the position. Whether the position is filled by promotion from within the School, or recruited from without, the best candidate shall be selected. An appropriate amount of time should be allowed for thoughtful and careful planning to replace an employee who holds an administrative position.


In the event a new administrative position is deemed appropriate or when a vacancy occurs or is anticipated in a current administrative position, the following procedures will be followed in the advertisement for and selection of a new administrative employee.

  1. The President shall form an ad hoc Search Committee, which may consist of the following individuals (depending on the position to be filled), each of whom must be willing and able to commit to the considerable time required of a search committee:
    1. The President of MTSA (committee chair).
    2. Two members from the MTSA President’s Council.
    3. One current MTSA academic faculty member (non-Board).
    4. One current MTSA clinical faculty member (non-Board).
    5. Two current Board members (cannot be from the same discipline).
  2. The primary responsibility of the committee is to generate, interview, and recommend high- quality candidates for the position.
  3. The committee reports to the President and is responsible for recommending one to three (1-3) qualified candidates (may or may not be rank ordered).
  4. All potential candidates should be interviewed in person on the MTSA campus.
  5. The interviews will be conducted by the ad hoc Search Committee members at a time that is convenient to a majority of the committee members and the interviewees.
  6. Under normal and usual circumstances, the committee will complete its work within six (6) to nine (9) months.
  7. Review current job description so committee members clearly understand role expectations/responsibilities, educational qualifications, and experience desired.
  8. Review compensation package for the position.
  9. Identify plausible avenues/methods for attracting high quality applicants
  10. Determine which professional SDA journals, magazines, and/or publications to initially advertise for the position.
  11. Unsuccessful results from advertising in SDA publications will necessitate advertising in non-SDA professional publications that will attract qualified applicants (listing must include commitment to mission, vision, values of MTSA).
  12. Advertising content must clearly emphasize the critical information that accurately describes job requirements, minimum education required, and desired experience.
  13. The interview process will not be initiated until there are a sufficient number (determined by the President) of qualified applicants.
  14. A scoring form with appropriate categories will be used to provide consistency and uniformity in the way interviewees are rated (i.e. unacceptable, minimally acceptable, and desirable) by committee members.
  15. The final selection of the candidate will be the responsibility of the President.