Substantive Change Policy

Policy Number: 
7/2012 (SACSCOC liaison title updated 4/2020), 9/2023


The Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia (MTSA) is responsible to comply with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) Substantive Change policy as a condition of its continued accreditation by SACSCOC. Substantive change is defined by SACSCOC as “a significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution.”

Institutional Obligations:

  1. MTSA is required to notify the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) of changes in accordance with the substantive change policy and, when required, seek approval prior to the initiation of changes.
  2. MTSA is required to have a policy and procedure to ensure that all substantive changes are reported to the Commission in a timely fashion.

Responsibilities of SACSCOC Liaison:

The SACSCOC Liaison will:

  • provide the Executive Vice President with information about the SACSCOC substantive change policy.
  • work with the Executive Vice President to determine whether a proposed change is substantive;
  • determine what action with respect to SACSCOC is needed when a change is substantive;
  • file the appropriate notice or prospectus with SACSCOC;
  • coordinate with SACSCOC and the Executive Vice President about any required follow up action


If a change is substantive, SACSCOC must be notified as much as 12 months in advance of implementing the change. Upon becoming aware of a proposed change that may be substantive, the Executive Vice President should notify the SACSCOC Liaison.

Point of Contact:

Every SACSCOC member institution has an Accreditation Liaison whose charge is to ensure compliance with accreditation requirements. The current SACSCOC Liaison for MTSA is:

Executive Vice President
