Approved by PRC 12/13/2023 Pending BOT approval.
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Honor Code

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7/13/16, 12/13/2023
7/13/16, 2022, 12/13/2023 Pending BOT approved 8/29/2022approval

Declaration of Honor

MTSA’s mission, focus on academic excellence, and culture of faith are grounded in the Christian values of truth, honor, and virtue. Abiding by these principles illuminates the pathway of learning, sustains the integrity and purpose of the School, thus preparing competent and caring nurse anesthetists.

Honor Code

The Honor Code of Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia is reflective of the Christian principles of truth, honor, integrity, and virtue. The Honor Code is vital in fostering an environment of trust, order, and unity within the school. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with and abiding by the Honor Code and all School policies.

Academic Standards of Conduct

A thorough understanding and commitment to this Declaration of Honor and the Honor Pledge is essential to success of MTSA’s honor system. The following avenues will be utilized to facilitate implementation of these statements:

  1. The Declaration of Honor statement, with its accompanying Honor Pledge, will be included with the acceptance letter sent to selected applicants, and applicants accepting a student position at MTSA will be required to acknowledge affirmation by signing and dating the document as specified, and returning it with their acceptance verification.
  2. Information regarding the Declaration of Honor and the Honor Code will be included in the program’s MTSA Catalog & Student Handbook.
  3. The Declaration of Honor and the Honor Pledge will be discussed during all orientation programs.
  4. Implementation and monitoring of adherence to these standards will be accomplished through the MTSA NAP Council, Progressions Committee, the President’s Council, and the MTSA Appeals Committee.

Honor Pledge

As a student of Middle Tennessee School of Anesthesia, I will incorporateintegrate the principles of truth, honor, integrity, and virtue in all that I do while enrolled at MTSA. I acknowledge the Honor Code as vital in fostering an environment of trust, order, and unity within the School. I accept the sacred trust placed upon me to continue this heritage of honor in my efforts to become a competent doctoral-prepared nurse anesthetist. I freely pledge to abide by the MTSA Standards of Conduct and this Honor Code in all of my conduct.

Practice Doctorate students must sign the Honor Pledge before starting the program. It will be kept in the student’s academic file.