Individuals seeking employment at MTSA must submit a resume and supporting documents for vacancies that occur. Graduates of MTSA who wish to be considered for future teaching positions will maintain a current file with the School. Appropriate notice of vacancies may be given through professional publications.
It is highly desirable that the administrative positions: President, Executive Vice President, Program Administrator, and the Vice President for Finance and Administration be held by Seventh-day Adventists with appropriate credentials to complete the tasks outlined in their respective job descriptions. If these positions are held by other than Seventh-day Adventists, they will be individuals whose lifestyle is in harmony with Christian beliefs and values. If a vacancy exists in one of these positions, notice of the vacancy may be initially advertised in SDA professional publications and other national publications as necessary.
Employee Handbook
The Employee Handbook is given to all new employees on the date they are hired.
(See Appendix I)