Distance and Correspondence Education Policy

Policy Number: 
8/6/2018 , 9/2022, BOT approved 11/2022

MTSA provides distance education and take proactive measures to ensure the student identity of who registers for a course is the actual student taking the course and receiving the grade for the course. MTSA does not currently assess any additional student charges associated with verification of student identity. If, in the future, additional charges become necessary for verification of student identity in distance education studies, the President's Council will work in conjunction with the Business Office to create an appropriate policy for systematic dissemination to affected students.

Upon initial registration, the student provides the Registrar's Office a current picture identification, such as a driver's license, and this is placed in the student file for any future reference for student identification. As well, during the first Intensive Session, student identification pictures are taken and placed on the MTSA ShareFile network for future faculty and staff reference.

MTSA protects student privacy with online education through technology- driven measures. MTSA provides a secure login and passcode to every enrolled student to access online course services. To protect access to information and verification of the student's identity in the electronic learning management system, each student user has a unique login name and password. User login information is centrally managed via single sign-on and authentication applications. The login information identifies who the student is, what courses they are enrolled in, and what portions of the online community they can access. This hosted service provides MTSA with applications such as 24 x 7 network monitoring, firewall protection, and intrusion detection.