Catastrophic Event and Continuity of Operations Policy

Policy Number: 
6/17/2024, 10/15/2024 BOT approved 11/18/2024

MTSA employs specific procedures regarding catastrophic events and program discountenances to limit the length of time that students or staff are displaced.  It is imperative that we provide a contingency plan for unforeseen events to ensure that we continue to meet the needs of our students and business operations.  For internal department procedures, refer to the Business Impact Risk Analysis. 

Continuity of Technology Operations 

In the event of a catastrophic event, MTSA has prepared a disaster recovery plan that guides administrators and information technology staff in the recovery of computing and network facilities.  This plan presents an orderly course of action for restoring critical computing capability, sets criteria for making the decision to recover off site or repair onsite, and describes the organizational structure to carry out the plan.   

Protection of student and employee records extends to alumni data as well.  The Information technology department provides ongoing protection of student data, refer to the Impact Risk Analysis. 

Financial Continuity of Operations 

 MTSA addresses program discontinuances on a case-by-case basis due to the specific needs of each degree or certificate of completion for each program.  This allows MTSA to better serve the needs of our individual students. Because of the specific nature of nurse anesthesia and the unique structure of our small school, students have no options for an internal transfer of credit from the non-CRNA program.  For this small group of students, the Program Director and Faculty would counsel each student and assist in their placement outside of MTSA, should the school not be able to meet the commitment of completing the academic or clinical portion of the curriculum.  Financially, MTSA is sound as demonstrated by the Financial Responsibility Composite Score (3.0) and has developed multiple financial measures through the guidance of the Board of Trust finance committee that would financially support a teach-out plan, should the need ever arise.  Any teach-out plan would be submitted to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges prior to its implementation.   

Academic Continuity of Operations 

A catastrophic event may result in the official suspension of face-to-face classes.  The nature of the events/disruptions will determine the conditions under which instruction may be impacted.  While the specifics of the conditions may vary, one or more of the following general conditions may be the impetus for enacting the plan:  

  1. Loss of teaching and learning facilities including loss of public infrastructure or access to our facilities. Classes may need to be held at alternative location or online. 

  1. Significant reduction in faculty, staff and student attendance related to illness, natural disasters, or other events.  

  1. Need for “social distancing” to provide instruction without face-to-face contact, such as a pandemic. 

Recommendations of the Academic Continuity plan should serve as guidelines to continue instruction both when internet and computer access are accessible or available.  When distance education is not a viable option, an alternative site may be identified as suitable space to continue academic programs.  

It is important to note that MTSA’s Information Technology Department has a Disaster Recovery Plan which provides backup servers.  Conversion to online instruction via the LMS is not new to MTSA as multiple courses are delivered in this fashion.